Power and power are intimately related, since a healthy diet has effects on the body in general, and in sexual function in particular. If a man consumes in the food greasy, calorie food is an evil that is reflected in his sexual opportunities. And vice versa, if the food is balanced, recharged of vitamins and minerals, there has been a notable increase in power.
Male body are essential as vitamins: A, b1, b3, b6, b9, c, E, and D, and minerals: zinc, selenium, magnesium, and calcium. Found in the products that are available to all, without exception. It is not necessary to spend large amounts of money in the pot with the vitamins, most commonly in vegetables, fruit, dairy and meat in the food.
Products that enhance the sexual power, must be in the diet of every man, regardless of his age. Even the representatives of the stronger sex, who have no problems with sexual function, it will not prevent eating well in order to preserve their sexuality and power.

As products work, increase the power of the
This question will be answerable for any person, but as useful knowledge should possess every man. Products that increase potency, popularly known as the "aphrodisiacs". We have the following properties:
- increase the sexual desire;
- activate the perception;
- increase the sensitivity;
- support sexual function;
- to rejuvenate the body.
Products that enhance the sexual potency of men
Are divided into two categories: vegetable and animal origin. Also we distinguish between dairy products and seafood.
Products of plant origin are:
- Nuts. The special task force have the fruits of peanut. However, all the other types of nuts are not less useful to the men of the body.
- Vegetables. Enhance the sexual system of the carrot, pumpkin, radishes, beets, onions, cabbage.
- Fruit. They have a high value from those that contain vitamin C. This is: all types of citrus, black currant, pomegranates, figs.
- The vegetable. The parsley, celery, cilantro, spinach have very beneficial effects on the sexual potency of men.
- Spices. The beneficial properties of the are: the mint, the anise, the cumin, the black pepper.
- The vegetable oils. In a large number of contain in the seeds of pumpkin and sunflower.
Products that increase the power of animal origin.
- Eggs. Chicken and quail. The egg yolk is the source of many vitamins that the body needs male.
- The flesh. It is recommended to eat the meat of pig lean in small amounts.
- The liver. It is the best cow, because it contains more useful substances, pork or chicken.
- The flesh of birds. The useful components contain the corpses turkeys, and pheasants.
- The upside of the eggs.
Dairy products, that improve the sexual potency in men.
- Cheese solid varieties.
- Cottage cheese.
- Fermented milk products — kefir, ryazhenka, curd.
- The sour cream.
Seafood the increase of the power.
- The cod liver.
- The salmon.
- The sole.
- The shrimp.
- Oysters.
- The mussels.
- The cabbage marina.
- Crustaceans.
The correct food has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, the nervous system, in the work of the endocrine glands. Involved in the production of the male hormone is testosterone. All these positive factors are reflected immediately in erectile function: the sexual desire increases, the erection becomes stronger, the sexual act longer. Thanks to that the body will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, improve the status would be an important already after a short period of time.
Have a knowledge of what foods increase sexual potency, men can not only correctly, and useful eating, but and prepare a variety of dishes, mixing meat with fruit, fish with vegetables and spices, fish and seafood with the vegetation. To improve the effect of this food will help the juices of pears, citrus, cassis, pomegranate. What the diet will be rich and varied, and above all useful to the body and sexual potency.